
"E-counseling through the modern world of technology 
Available anytime & anywhere around the world"

What is E-Therapy?

E-Counseling or E-Therapy is an innovative approach to traditional office settings.  Most E-Counseling is done via email (phone, chat, & Skype are also used), this means that you write down your issues, questions, and concerns and email the therapist who will then respond with feedback, advice, and homework to help you resolve your issues.  This is an ideal approach for those who
have busy schedules, travel for work, live in isolated or small communities, are home bound, professionals who need more confidentiality, can't meet therapist on 9-5 schedule, have anxiety issues, etc. 

The biggest advantage with e-therapy is you can take your time to write out your concerns and review them before sending to the therapist.  The written responses from the therapist gives you a reference to help recall feedback, advice, and homework.  No fear of forgetting what was discussed; you have a written record.  The disadvantage is that you don't get the visual cues and messages that a face to face counseling session would provide.  Some issues are not appropriate for e-therapy such as suicidal thoughts and homicidal thoughts.  If we feel you should see a local therapist for your issues we will help you locate a qualified therapist.

                                                                 Below is a comparison of traditional therapy -vs- E-Therapy.

 Who is the Therapist?

How do you communicate
with your therapist?

Does the same therapist work
with you all the time?



How frequent?

How much time is wasted?


How long is each session?


What happens when you're away from home?


 Can I reflect and digest outside of a session?

What about privacy?


 What about confidentiality?


 What happens if I have an urgent
need or question?

 How much does it cost?


Is it covered by my health insurance?

Traditional Therapy

A licensed/registered therapist.

(you and your therapist talk to each other)


Therapist's office or clinic.

Based on therapist's availability/schedule.

Weekly sessions (typically).

 Commute to therapist's office, parking,
arrange for babysitter, time off work/school, waiting in "wait room" for your session,
waiting to make payment with clinic staff, etc.

 Fixed time block, generally 45-60 minutes
(you have to leave even if you're in the middle
of a breakthrough).


You're on your own when either you or your therapist is out of town.

 Yes, but it is limited to what you remember
from your sessions and the interpretations
you can recall.

The therapist knows who you are and so
does everyone that sees you go into the therapist's office including clients and staff already there.

Confidentiality is protected by federal and
state laws.  If you use insurance, the carrier
and whoever pays part of the insurance
(like an employer) has access to your
diagnosis and some other information.

Generally you have to wait until your next
 session, see another in-house therapist, or
get referred to a hotline.

Rates vary by region.  Typically they run
from $65 to over $300 for a 45 minute session.  Average cost is $120 per session.  This
means you would pay $400 - $800 per month.

Some do.  Most have a high deductible for
mental health and have limitations and only
 partial reimbursements and will not cover all diagnosis.  Many co-pays are higher than the therapist's cash rate. 


  A licensed/registered therapist.

 Written (you and your therapist write to each other).  Phone, video, and chat may also be available.  Click here to read why it is effective.


Anywhere.  Your home, office, on the road.

 Based on your availability, your schedule.

Your changing needs and whenever you feel comfortable.


 As you need (no predefined length).  You can take 20 minutes or three days to write your email and make sure you express what you really want to say.  You don't need to get nervous and forget your thoughts as you might in a typical office setting.

 Keep getting help from your therapist as usual as long as you have access to the internet.  This also means your therapist can respond to you when they are out of town as well.

Yes.  You can always go back and read your therapist's responses, advice, and guidance.  No need to rely on your memory.  

Completely private and anonymous.  Only the therapist and you will know you are in counseling.

Protected by federal and state laws.
(We use a secure email system to assure your
communication with us is not compromised.)

Send an urgent message to your therapist to get a quick response (1 - 48 hours). 

$45 for a single one time response to unlimited plans starting at $300 per month.  Click here to learn more about our fees.

 You can submit the invoice to your health insurance however, this form of therapy is generally not covered yet for mental health.

You came to this website looking for answers; hopefully we have provided some insight. 
When you are ready to find a new direction for your life, eliminate the pain and hurt, or learn new skills;
we will be here to help and guide you to a better place. 

You don't have to struggle alone.

To purchase services, click here.